Genoa, 6th November 2012...
Human society faces a critical challenge: how to increase and maintain our quality of life in the future. Robot Companions -as a new class of technology- will offer a variety of roles to assist facing this challenge.
Sustainable welfare through sentient machines: technology that integrates perception, cognition, emotion, and action with a contextual awareness of self, others, and the environment.
The vision of Robot Companions is multidisciplinary, looking towards the understanding of the general design principles underlying bodies, brains, and minds. Binding together science, engineering, and society.
A large scale European initiative to create robots that will co-exist and work together with humans
RoboCom, which stands for Robot Companions for Citizens, proposes an unprecedented S&T Research Programme establishing a bridge between science and sustainable welfare and is designed to capitalize on the synergy resulting from the convergence of science and engineering, as reflected in the structure centred on five Pillars: Matter (Materials), Body (Morphological Computation), Brain (Simplexity), Mind (Sentience) and Society (Society, Ethics and Law).
The RoboCom initiative is a unique federated multi-disciplinary endeavor to develop and deploy a new generation of robots, the Robot Companions, that will have a direct impact on European society and beyond.
RoboCom is coordinated by Paolo Dario (the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) and involves 96 principal investigators from 73 Institutions, from 24 EU Member States and Associate Countries. RoboCom spans a multitude of disciplines such as robotics, systems neuroscience, social neuroscience, psychology, material and energy science, computer science, human and social sciences, ethics, law, and industrial design.
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